Companies such as Google, Meta, and Apple have begun implementing back-to-the-office plans, with employees reacting in different ways. There are ways, though, that make the return to the office a better experience, but those would involve a bit of a deep soul-searching on why employers want employees to stay in the office, and when they should just abandon it. As a result, a poorly-thought-out back-to-work policy can become one of the biggest reasons why you are not getting back into the office, from the employee’s perspective. Getting employees excited about returning to work starts by figuring out what is holding them back.
Bosses do want their employees to come back to the office, but we are really reaching a new normal, and to turn things around, there needs to be a stronger reason for coming back, beyond being told that it is just what the boss wants.
Regardless, many bosses are hyper-focused on getting their employees back into the office ASAP, even though employees are being sent crystal clear messages that coming back every day is not an option. Many Wall Street banks are telling employees that they expect them back at the office before Labor Day, while tech companies like Apple are asking employees to come back for a minimum of three days per week starting in September. About 44% of more than 300 companies are asking employees to return at least some time — but 9% changed their back-to-the-office plans over the last six months as a way of trying tokeep employees.
75% of executives who are now remote want to come back to their offices at least three or five days perweek, whereas only 34% of employees have that same wish. Three-quarters of all executives say they would like to be in the office three to five days a week, compared with roughly a third of employees. Fully 86% of employees want to work at least two days a week from home, the management consulting firm Advanced Workplace Associates said, following surveys of almost 10,000 people worldwide in fields including finance, technology, and energy. Among those currently working remotely, 44% of executives would like to be in an office every day — in sharp contrast to 83% of employees who want to keep working from home.
Yet up to a third of employees said they would leave their jobs if they could not work from home anymore, according to the one survey. Those who would like remote working are frustrated because they like working from home and cannot fathom why, after doing a good job from it for two years, they would have to go back into an office. Some employees, having spent the past couple years working almost exclusively remotely, are wondering why certain employees have to go back to working in-person at all. Beyond security reasons, many have found they just like working from home, whether it is the absence of commuting or some other boost in quality of life, or the fact they are better able to concentrate and work more efficiently when there are not a dozen people taking calls around them.
Some employees are unwilling to return to an office at all, while others find working in a single, physical space is necessary for collaboration. A good hybrid work or remote culture can support employees both inside and outside of the office. A hybrid workplace gives employees the flexibility they need in their lives, but also lessens some of the isolation they sometimes feel working from home. By emphasizing the flexibility of the hybrid workplace model, you are assuring employees they do not need to miss out on their productive Work-from-home (WFH) days.
Hybrid work models enable employees to plan for both their on-site and WFH days depending on their needs. By allowing for telecommuting once or several times per week, managers are able to get quality face-time with their teams, while satisfying employees needs for a more flexible schedule.
Your office interior design can also do much to motivate your employees, boost productivity, and even spark greater creativity. Office interior design can decrease absences by creating a working environment that promotes relaxation and sleep, leading to better health and higher levels of productivity when employees choose to show up at work. Pay attention to these elements of an effective office interior design for encouraging workplace productivity and engagement. Referring to the office interior design London, it can improve the performance of your employees, which could greatly increase your bottom line.
Many corporate leaders fail to understand that office design is as critical to employee performance as it is to the employees themselves. Enabling is the reason effective office design can be a powerful tool to managers and supervisors in supporting the activities at work in an efficient manner.
Since employees spend nearly 50% of their time working from their office spaces, they should remain in environments that promote productivity and promote engagement. Employees are going to be spending a large portion of their days in the office, and you could easily tell how an interior office space design would impact their productivity. A workspace that has clean, modern designs, for instance, increases the employee’s motivation, making them feel professional, dedicated to their achievements, and important.